
june 10, meeting 10 :: credos

recently, we lost one of our own. i can't say i understood this phrase, "one of our own" until molly was taken from us. she was part of us. especial, as "us" is constantly being redefined. we are women with multifaceted lives. creating, making, doing and being as best as our commitments to motherhood, community, husbandry (we are in the woods of new hampshire after all!) allow. when we aren't together we are threading different doorways—presenting new work to this gallery, crafting poems, pillows, paintings, scripts, crazy delicious food, photography, conversation with Christ in icons, good radio, & cradling heads.

our meetings have evolved as we grow closer, gain new trust. molly is with us. teaching us to appreciate the inherent rich culture that is women and art.

tonight we will read a credo that molly wrote when she was 15. prescient and luminous, we will take stock of our own beliefs, eat francoise's amazing gift-food, and share a bit more about who we are when we're not together.

when we are together, we are flying. at least it feels like it. like a nun must feel when she hits the peak of a trampoline leap. we're no nuns. but we like the idea of living for a higher ideal. for each of us, that's finding the light, through art.